The Encounter Bar unfortunately does not have a caberet license from 
what I was told by the bartenders.  The fact that people didn't care and 
elected to dance on the carpet I thought was pretty hip. I just can't think 
of another venue in L.A. where one can here Jacques Dutronc(8 songs), 
Jacqueline Taieb, Les Problems, Antoine, Michel Polnereff and countless 
others. The occassional lame modern stuff was my main complaint as well(as 
well as that most were from CD's), but they were few and far between.  
        I must've been too out of it to hear the gaps inbetween the songs.
     As for the trendy dressers, what else can you expect from an expensive 
bar at LAX?  
Hopefully, more groovy people will show up next time to dig the soundz and of 
course the hip as heck bar. 
                          Tony (who would dance barefoot on broken glass to 
Jaques Dutronc if need power needed) :o)

In a message dated 11/19/99 1:33:08 AM PST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Was it just me and my companions who thought the
 carpeted floor was odd for dancing?  No talc on that
 "dancefloor," for sure!  That, in addition to the
 narrow dance area just made for a limited dancing
 experience.  Why wasn't the "lower lever" (ie, the
 part where the one could go right up to the cool
 slanted windows) used?  The place just wasn't used to
 its fullest capacity.
 About the music...I thought there was an interesting
 selection.  There was some great songs being spun, but
 some transitions between songs were too abrupt.  The
 sometimes odd juxtapositions of a classic '60s era
 French gem with some bland contempo electronic Frenchy
 pop was too much of a contrast.  Don't get me wrong.
 Contrast is good. When it's done right, it can keep
 dancers on their toes, so to speak.  But I think the
 pairing of songs seemed quite random that particular
 The crowd and the clothes:  I think whoever said that
 some of the girls looked like they got their outfits
 from a day-after-Halloween-markoff sale was right on.
 More plastic '60s( 'a la Austin Powers) rather than
 stylish clothes.  Many of the guys, though not as
 flamboyantly dressed as some of these ladies, were no
 better than the ladies because they were quite
 under-dressed.  Perhaps this has something to do with
 the much older crowd there???  
 all best,
 Helen - "talcum powder on the uncarpeted floor girl"

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