well, I dragged Hubby Moe out to the show, even though
he had just returned from a 2 month business trip, so
we started out tired and didn't make it through the
whole set.  I love Sloan's music, and I thought they
were proficient live, just not all that dynamic...I
could have stayed home and listened to their CD
instead of having to stand in a crowd looking at the
rear end of a 7 foot tall man.  

> Much fun was had by all at Club "get on the good"
> Foot, this past Thursday. 
> There were so many new faces, and many good tunes. 
> Even with all the drama,
> everything turned out great.  I hope it good
> birthday Ben!
> Friday nite, Sloan played at the Metro (Chicago). 
> Maybe I just need to hear
> more of their music, but I was not very impressed. 
> They got a good turnout
> and the opening band (Flashing Lights) were pretty
> cool.  Anyone else think
> the show stunk?

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