Dorian wrote:

        >I've also heard good reports about Coast To Coast in London.

Fucking GREAT club. I went to their opening night. Alone. Everybody was too
tired... But seriously, to defend myself a bit on the Ska debate. They
played quite a bit of Ska down there (amongst some top Northern) and some of
it was really beautiful. Can't dance to it though. The beat still makes me
anxious. So, for ME, no good in a dance club. If only we could overdub a 4/4
beat. But there's no use in dreaming. It doesn't work. Haha.
          I refuse to be converted....!!!! 
        But if anyone is toying with the idea of going to this club, I'd
suggest you Shimmy on down there. As I descended the stairs, my walk broke
into a run, as I heard the voice of Martha Starr and 'Love Is The Only
Solution'. And it has two, I repeat TWO dancefloors. The one at the back is
better by the way. The one at the front feels like a mountain range in
Lilliput. A bit like that faulty floorboard in the 'Little Room' down Leeds
BB. Own Up! You all know and have fallen into it at some point. Let's lobby
for it's repair! Lets all picket the JTQ gig. Or maybe not.
             Stubborn Heart...                     

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