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> Date: Wed, 08 Dec 1999 22:34:30 -0500
> From: El Salvador Dali Lama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Dan, Sean SF Witch hunters etc...
> OK... For your information all you fucking idiots who have started a needless
> witch hunt... on someone who had nothing to do with it... IT WAS NOT!!! I
> repeat NOT!!! Eric Larson who sent me the message...  I guess more people in
> your scene think you are both knobs than just the ones I've received messages
> from.  Funny how you are aware that others think you are both little nerds.
> I've been sent so many different ones and they are not all from MEN
> either...  I did however get some private email today from your local
> supporters (who may in fact be yourselves) claiming that you guys are really
> cool...!
> Later,
> Davy

I don't have that many enemies in real life Davy. Seriously.  I don't believe a word 
of it.
Now excuse me, I have to go invent a name so I can email you and tell you how cool I 


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