Does anyone have any info on the German label Hansa? Just curious if they 
were swallowed up by, or a subsidiary of, a larger German, US, or UK label 
that now may own the rights to their catalog. The Shadows of Knight’s “My 
Fire Department Needs a Fireman” with an amazing b-side I haven’t seen 
comp’ed; “Taurus”, not to mention it’s equally amazing Peter Max-ish sleeve, 
was released by said label (in ’69 I believe) as well some singles from The 
Herd (I’m guessing the Frampton outfit) and The Association.
Anyone, anyone?
Also, any info on Cleveland based The Selective Service would be greatly 
appreciated. Their fuzz guitar n’ horns version of “Green Onions” is one of 
the best I’ve heard and wonder if they released much else. All inquiries on 
the net proved fruitless...
Thanks in advance, I appreciate it!

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