tax man wrote:

> Well, "El Salvador Dali Lama",
> First of all, what the hell does that have to with

It's a screen name for email sir... it has nothing to do with anything
really.  I change it quite frequently.  It has nothing to do with Mod or
the modslist... I can explain it for you though since you may have
trouble with it...

1) El Salvador
2) Salvador Dali
3) Dali Lama (sic)

It kind of links 3 things... just a little fun here... sorry it works in
my grade 2 class... i guess I isn't smart nuff fer y'all...

> Second, If you are implying that I am living in some
> Quadrophenia fantasy world, you are way off. I am NOT
> a mod.


> And third, who even uses that term anymore?

Hmmm... I dunno... half this list... my lawyer... my aunt... and you
just used it too... pretty catchy huh?

> >I'd say that
> >memorizing pressing numbers makes you more of a
> >librarian than anything
> >else... holy geek-o-rama.
> Well, David, some people are intimidated by
> intelligence. Dont worry, those awful thinkey people
> will all die someday. In the meantime, I bet you are
> pretty safe in Toronto.

I'd really like to know what form of intelligence it would prove by
having the ability to remember pressing numbers from records... It's
just memorizing... which any monkey can be trained to do.  You have no
clue as to the level of intellectual achievements I have acquired over
the years so it's probably best not to wade into those waters... you may
be shocked.  What exactly are you implying about Toronto?  Are you
saying that Toronto and the people in Toronto are inferior to you and
wherever it is that you're from...?  Hmmm... I highly doubt that...
though I'll spare the list the my city is smarter than yours debate...

> >Who the hell are you to call >me "complete
> >stupid asshole"... Dean... uh...erm... Swift.
> Davey,,,,LOVE, just someone who cares.

Yes... I see.

> >Do you really want to
> >jump in the middle of this mess too...?
> Sure! I'll met ya at recess behind the handball court,
> we'll scrap...
> No, Mr Llama, I do not enjoy spitting contests. Since
> the jist of my previous letter flew way over your
> head,
> ( next time I'll aim for your big fat ass )

Do you know me...?  Hmmm... maybe you do...??? hahaha...

> I was
> merely sticking up for a friend who you needlessly
> slammed just to bolster your anti- Dan campaign,

I am not leading an "Anti-Dan Campaign"... he does pretty well on his
own.Can't your little friends stick up for themselves... they sure can
dish it out...

> while
> in the very same letter you accused Dan of the same.
> Duh! And just for your information, I dont even know
> who this Dan character is aside from the list. So dont
> go off thinking I'm just saying this to back up Dan.
> I just wanted to clarify that for you, Mr Luv, because
> it seems obvious you didnt score well in reading
> comprehension (that's just my own personal
> observation)

What on earth are you talking about... STOP using all those big words I
read not good.

> So, have a very merry christmas, and a happy new year.

Happy Hanukkah and a grooving Kwanzaa to you my electronic friend...

> Dean Swift (not my real name either)

Why don't you use your real name...???

Davy Love

PS: You know I will reply to every post regarding me... so if you don't
want to hear me... stop talking about me.

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