>Subject: Re: A note from the old folks' home

>how would you expect someone to do this when you just told them everything
>to do(in detail) to be accepted, or be a real ""mod""? do this or what?
>you'll make fun of their nievity?

I think you misunderstood my post.  The idea was basically this:  a lot of
us subconciously chose to associate with a style subculture (mod in this
case) in order to be unique (I'm sure everyone here would agree when asked
if one of their worst nightmares is to fit in with the crowd down at the
local Wal Mart) but when you follow a bunch of rigidly set rules disguised
as "tradition", you're just going to look like the rest of the masses.  If
you make up your own style based on mod, you're going to be the modern day
equivalent of the original (i.e very very very first) mods, not the 90s
version of some kid that saw the Who on TV and thought their clothes looked
neat.  What I posted wasn't "telling people what to do in detail", it was
putting common sense (that anybody who has belonged to a particular
subculture, not just a mod, should know) down in writing. It was a broad set
of guidelines that can be used to help someone get out of the parka and jam
shoes rut (you'll notice that nowhere in the post did I actually tell them
go go buy anything specific - no Eames chair, no Prada bag, etc...)

As for the point about naivete, I am going to give you a completely honest
answer.  When I see someone walk into a club who has obviously discovered
how to create their own style, I turn my head for a 2nd look and think "Hey,
there's somebody who'd be interesting to chat to".  When I see someone walk
into a club with a bad attempt at a French Line haircut, a parka, bowling
shows, and a big Who patch, frankly I laugh my @#$ off.  If it's a kid I
won't because a lot of them just havent' been exposed to the style long
enough to get out of that pahse (I was in it too once, or at least the
female equivalent thereof) but when I see a grown man walk in dressed like
that, he's just fodder for my jokes the rest of the night.  I'm sorry but
I've met enough 30 year old men walking around looking like an extra from a
Secret Affair video to take them seriously. :-)

>you should take a suggestion from your own e-mail and relax. you are more
>uptight than the kids you preach to. don't follow dave(whoever the fook he
>is...), create your own.

Ha ha :-)  You have to realize that i come from British Columbia.  ***I have
smoked more weed than the cast of every bad Jamaican gangster flick
combined****  I think you can scientifically prove that I am incapable of
being uptight.  :-)

Miss Jenn

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