yo yo yo, thanks for writing back
did you get all my other bizarre and too
long emails about work permits and stuff?
it never seems that my email makes it to anybody
or that their email makes it back to me....weird

anyway, things are good...it's finals week here
(perhaps that's why you're so tired yourself)
and well, i guess the grades i get are what i
deserve.  we'll see.

england: just realize this little trip may cost me
the labor of going to school an extra semester but
i guess that's better than getting a job!

so..things are still good..i'm going to be in the
hyde park area from jan 17th to the beginning of
april..so.....i'll give you my phone number when
i get it, that'll be easier than this emial business
i can put people up on my floor for a while, but i
dunno about 6!  but i'll help if i can!

do you need info on hostels?

write back


> hey adam,
> how are you?
> checking up on your london plans, things still going
> well?
> Im having problems figuring out where 5, possible 6
> youths are going to stay. yep. what a peice of shit.
> Hopefully something will turn up.  We've got places to
> stay for a couple days..with friends...but we cant
> collectively crash at peoples places for too long.
> that would be wrong. 5-6 mental kids.....
> dont think so.
> anyhow.
> take care.
> leyla

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