I know this.. it is sad but true. The majority of the skins, especially
these days tend to glorify the aggro side of things instead of taking in
perspective and using violence only as a last resort, or when reason wont

That attracts the big dumb kids... and they grow up to be big dumb adults,
but not all skins are like that, just the loud and big ones.. ha.

*-----Original Message-----
*[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jeff Hunt
*Sent: Thursday, December 16, 1999 6:24 PM
*Subject: Re: Crews? me parka!
*Anakin Skywalker wrote:
*> Whats so wrong with being surrounded by skins? Unless you pissed
*them off.
*> You've got more in common with them than say, the hippies.
*> Have you hugged a skin today?
*> Chad*
*What's wrong with being surrounded by skins? Well, not all of them are
*as friendly as yourself, Chad.
*And no, I haven't hugged a skin today, sorry
*Check out Youth Subculture Magazine - http://www.dropkick.org/ys

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