This is about as far into the Christmas spirit as I'm willing to delve, but
here goes.

A couple modslister friends were in Atlanta over the weekend.  She had a
hair appointment on Saturday at Vidal Sassoon in the mall, so I suggested
he and I meet to do some shopping while she was indesposed.  Running about
30 minutes late, the snowball grew while I drove around the mall parking
lot for a space for nearly half an hour (note to self: continue supporting
mom & pop shops).  Finally, I park the car and rush to the Salon to find
the couple gone already.  Great.  

Where to find two mods in a mall....checked the requisite sites; Church's
shoes, the sale racks at Neimann Marcus, Bally shoes, Hugo Boss and
Burberry's.  Nothing. Not even at the custom shirt shop.  Heard a
relatively decent piano jazz trio playing near the food court, but no mods.
 I figured I missed them altogether (sorry guys, if you're reading this).

However, as my girlfriend and I were walking over to the camera shop we
noted about three cops rushing into the Athlete's Foot next to said camera
shop and thought it best to take a detour into Restoration Hardware.
Absolutely Brilliant move!  

Album frames, repros of vintage toys, some very high quality silver plated
barware modelled after post prohibition designs, and all kinds of cool
stuff.  So I picked up a couple album frames for myself and a couple other
things for family gifts.  I had never gone in there, thinking it was just
house fixtures and such (and me not owning a house yet....) but I highly
recommend checking them out online.  Start here:

After you enjoy that, lop off everything after .com to get back to their
home page.  

Brian Poust

p.s.  That's Rover the Space Dog in the picture.

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