I seldom post to this list and even very rarely read the thing anymore,
but when I read the treacherous, ill-natured,and down right vindictive
assults on the character of Bill Luther I was moved to voice this
opinion. Such a bitter attack on not only a mate but a true top lad must
only be the product of covetous and grudging minds. To call Bill a
trainspotter is outlandish; to call him a geezer is utterly fallacious.
In fact, one who feels compelled to read off his list of
"contributions"  like some Declaration of Achievement seems like the
real narcissist to me. Is it some queer form of braggadocio, like a
spiteful child who feels he 's not getting noticed in a crowd, that
would provoke such a barrage of insults? Are these assailants of
character jealous that someone else may know more than they do?
I, for one, wish there were more informative posts such as Bill's on
this list. That isn't to say that there aen't, but the number is
extremely limited.
Ultimately, it is the antagonistic rubbish, like this unwarranted attack
on Bill, that turns me away from this list and urges me to unsubscribe.
If I did so, I know that I would not be missed, but neither would you!

Scott Belsky

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