>Picked up the Solar Flares "Psychedelic Tantrumn" and I have to say it's a 
>must for any Prisoners/Prime Movers fans(Which means Davy won't like it).  
>The band is 3/4 the Prime Movers minus Fay although she and James Taylor lend 
>a hand on a couple of tracks.  I feel the sound is a combination 'The Last 
>Fourfathers' and "Sins Of The Fourfathers" so if you dig those bands you will 
>dig this.

I must say, as a dedicated Prisoners/Prime Movers/JTQ/related fan, I was
disgusted with "Shine on Me" and had my doubts about any new work by Day,
Tay, Fay & Co.  but I was SURPRISED at "Psychedelic Tantrum"  - it's not
bad!  Certainly not even close to any Prisoners/JTQ early stuff and not
something I've been listening to 24-7 but upon first listen I was pleasantly
surprised.  It could grow on me. 


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