I read with interest that a number of listers plan a European vacation, and 
thought I should alert anyone with English holiday plans to the following:

Bad news for anyone planning on visiting London in the next six months. The 
capital will be shut from Late December in order for "routine repairs and 
maintenance". The closure, which happens typically every hundred years or 
so, gives the city fathers a chance to catch up on the sort of job that gets 
overlooked in the wake of more pressing problems. Starting in early January, 
pavements will be polished, pigeons de-infested, and the homeless given a 
new lick of paint. Officials hope to re-open by mid-April, however those who 
remember the delays in re-furbishing the North last year will not be 
surprised if work carries on right up till next Autumn.

It spells more annoyance for long-suffering residents, who will be housed in 
pre-fab accomodations in a special 'mock London' on Salisbury Plain. But 
even worse news for tourists, especially those who have already purchased 
their tickets. Emergency accomodations have been set up in Reading and 
Dorking for those unable to change their plans at this late stage. And the 
Lord Mayor of London, Richard Whittington, promises that all tickets will be 
honoured when the new, brighter, more expensive London re-opens.

So, doesn't sound like much clubbing or shopping will be going down. It's 
annoying I know but remember it is tourism that wears the gears of the city 
down in the first place.

>i'm yet another kid who's going to be running around
>out there.  if any non-locals want someone to go
>scope the clubs out with....write me off list
>or aol im because my email is screwy
>aol im : adamyeah
> >
> > me too as I will be there beginning of March.  Any
> > good happenings?
> > kristen

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