In a message dated 12/22/99 10:26:42 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< p.s.  More Club One stories from Mr. Canigiula please, I could use a good
Though I may seem to be somewhat of a hard case, the most notorious member of 
Club One Mods, had to be this lists own Gary Player. I mean with a name like 
that you know the guy is trouble. Back in the day, he had no respect for the 
law, absolutely hated the cops. I remember one time 4 of us were out riding 
our scooters, raising hell. You know the usual stuff, riding on the 
sidewalks, weaving through traffic, doin' wheelies. Well, at some point the 
cops spotted us, and put up a roadblock up ahead to catch us. First, we had 
one behind us, lights and siren going. Then up ahead blocking the road was 
another squad car, and a motorcycle cop. 3 of us knew we were gonna get 
nicked, but not Gary. Gary decides to make a break for it. As we pull over, 
Gary hits the throttle and heads straight for the motorcycle cop who is 
standing in the middle of the road. I guess the cop though he was playing 
"chicken" and stood his ground. Gary, then yells out something, I think it 
was, "We are the Mods, we are the Mods, we are the Club One Mods!" (later he 
would tell the cop he was yelling out, "I can't stop! I got no brakes!" Yeah 
right.) The next thing I know I'm watching in amazement as Gary runs the cop 
over. Amazingly Gary wasn't sent off to the clink for that. We all did 
however receive hefty fines that night. 
Chris "Searching for a book or movie deal about my mod memories" C.
PS. This did really happen, it's all 100% true.

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