
brief info: 
 got apache + mod_ssl(DSO) + mod_perl(DSO) + mod_frontpage(DSO) work!
 Solution: compile everything with '-fPIC'

history and explanation:

Several people ran into problems with running apache and mod_ssl as 
DSO unter Solaris, causing a SEGV within SSLeay after the first 

After several discussions and trials Ralf (together with Fritz Elfert ?)
got the error: you have to use -fPIC (position independent code)
on certain platforms as documented within mod_ssl INSTALL file
since version 2.1.7:

        Additionally SSLeay has problems under DSO situations on some
        platforms. For instance under smart ix86 platforms like Linux
        and FreeBSD when you compile a the standard SSLeay
        libcrypto.a/libssl.a libraries and link those to a mod_ssl DSO
        libssl.so all works fine.  While on other platforms like Solaris
        2.6 on a SPARC SSLeay's code will dump core under run-time. When
        this is the case for you, then try to recompile SSLeay with
        Position Independent Code (PIC) by adding a `-fPIC' (for GCC) or
        `-KPIC' (for SVR4-style compilers) to the platform configuration
        line in SSLeay's `Configure' script.

on the other hand, this helped just for mod_ssl itself, but not for 
other modules dynamically linked against the apache core.

Maybe the solution is to compile just *everything* which is linked
to apache with '-fPIC'. IMHO this is a logically explanation to the 
most trouble we had.
I just tried this unter Solaris 2.5.1 with gcc 2.8.1 and everything
works fine :-)
(yes, you have to recompile perl and at least replace 'libperl.a' with
  the CORE directory)

best regards,


Apache Interface to SSLeay (mod_ssl)   www.engelschall.com/sw/mod_ssl/
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