Ok, I've no summarized our current results (thanks to all for testing):

   Netscape 2.02 (FreeBSD) .................... Ok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Netscape 2.02 (FreeBSD) Fortified .......... Ok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Netscape 3.04 (FreeBSD) .................... Ok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Netscape 3.04 (FreeBSD) Fortified .......... Ok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Netscape 3.01fr ............................ Ok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Netscape 4.08 (FreeBSD) .................... Ok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Netscape 4.08 (FreeBSD) Fortified .......... Ok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Netscape 4.5  (Linux/glibc) Fortified ...... Ok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Netscape 4.5 [en]-98286 (Linux 2.0.36)...... Ok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Netscape 4.5 (Win'98) Fortified ............ Ok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Netscape 4.5 (Linux) ....................... Ok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Netscape 4.5 (OpenBSD 2.4) ................. Ok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Netscape 4.51 (Mac) ........................ Ok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Netscape 4.51 (FreeBSD) .................... Ok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   IE4 native (Win'98) (Brazilian; 40-bit) .... Ok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Lynx-SSL ................................... Ok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Netscape 4.5 Mac, PPC international ......... Failed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        ``I tested the below and got "bad data from the server"
        http was fine but https was not.''
   IE3.0 (Japanese).................................... Failed 
        ``Server certificate of https://en4.engelschall.com/ is readable on
        MSIE3.0.  But I can't see the page.  The error message is Can't open
        site https://en4.engelschall.com/ in Japanese languange.''
   IE4.0+ (Windows) ........................... Failed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
        ``With an IE4.0 or greater browser connect to
        https://en4.engelschall.com/manual/mod/mod_ssl Wait at least 16secs.
        (keep-alive is set to 15secs) Click Refresh.  For some reason I cannot
        get it to happen on the index.html page, this threw me for a while.''
        ``It happens on IE4.0 and greater and possibly earlier versions as
        well.  If it is necessary to know I can use a verisign certificate and
        test with a 3.02 version.  It did not show up until mod_ssl-2.2.5.''
        ``2-3 minutes is too long.  Sorry I did not specify clearer.  You must
        refresh between 16 and 59 secs after the page completes.''
   IE 4.0 (4.72.3110.8 - WinNT 4.0) ........... Failed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        ``When I try to connect, I receive an dialog saying that IE wasn't
        able to connect and that the browser received an incorrect or unknown
        reply from the server.  The current time here is 08:22 a.m.
   IE4.0 ....................................... Failed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        `'> With an IE4.0 or greater browser connect to                                
        > https://en4.engelschall.com/manual/mod/mod_ssl                               
        > Wait at least 16secs. (keep-alive is set to 15secs)                          
        > Click Refresh.                                                               
        I got an error too under this circumstances: (tried to translate from
        german language) "The Site http..../mod_ssl could not be opened.  The
        Server supplied an invalid or unknown answer" Then I click "OK" and
        reload again, and this time it works...  Maybe an IE4 problem?''
   IE5.0 (WindowsNT4.0SP4 ................... Failed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        ``I've also come across the POST problem.  And I think that I found
        the hint of the problem.  /contact/index.html is the html file with
        form.  And I wrote in the form,then I click the submit button.''

So, I conclude that we've NO problems at all with Netscape clients.  But we've
problems with various IE clients. There not for all situations, but under some
situations it looks like people can deterministically reproduce it.

Hmmm... a strange situation. I've looked against at the mod_ssl code and I
still see nothing protocol dependent which looks wrong or should be changed.
At least whenever I change somehing I'm sure other clients stop working.  So,
the next round seems to be that I move from "SSLLogLevel trace" to
"SSLLogLevel debug" and those of you who can reproduce the problem try it
again. At least we've now reduced the area of problems to the various IE
clients. So, people which discovered the problem, please connect again, but
avoid too much browsing on en4.engelschall.com (or we don't find the entries
in 100MB debug logs). And give me the exact time and IP-address you used so I
can find your entries.
                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)  www.engelschall.com/sw/mod_ssl/
Official Support Mailing List               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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