Full_Name: Earl Fogel
Version: mod_ssl-2.0.11-1.3.2
OS: Linux
Submission from: cs468647-a.sshe1.sk.wave.home.com (

In the INSTALL file that accompanies mod_ssl,
the docs for "The flexible APACI-only way" say:

        $ cd apache_1.3.x                                                  ALL
        $ SSL_BASE=../SSLeay-0.9.x                                         ALL
          RSA_BASE=../rsaref-2.0                                            US
          ./configure                                                      ALL
              --prefix=/path/to/apache                                     ALL
              [...more APACI options...]                              OPTIONAL

I had to add "--enable-module=ssl" as well.

Other than that, your documentation is amazingly clear and
well written, and installation was a snap.

Apache Interface to SSLeay (mod_ssl)   www.engelschall.com/sw/mod_ssl/
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