Full_Name: Yutaka OIWA
Version: 2.0.9-
OS: Linux
Submission from: 84.pool5.tokyo.att.ne.jp (

I added 
> SSLRequiredCiphers  DEFAULT:!IDEA
to the main server section of httpd.conf and
> SSLEnable
to the virtual-host section. However, 
% ssleay s_client -cipher IDEA
can still connect to the server with IDEA cipher.

I think that the line
>    cfgMergeString(szReqCiphers);
is required in the function "config_server_merge", isn't it?

I found this bug on mod_ssl 2.0.9.
cfgMergeString is still missing on version 2.0.13,
but behavior is only checked on 2.0.9, sorry.
(also I'm sorry for late bug report...)

Apache Interface to SSLeay (mod_ssl)   www.engelschall.com/sw/mod_ssl/
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