> Has your GSID been observed to work with MSIE 4 and 5, or
        > just Netscape?  Is there any chance you could send a URL
        > that I can connect to?

        There is only one public page, the rest needs a client certificate. You
        can try to connect to https://www.hb.bancorio.com.ar:448/   ...
        ... I remember that I have tested it and it
        worked OK, even with MSIE 3.01 and the GSID patch.

        > Also, can you tell me the issue date of your GSID? 

        The validity date is from Sep 30 00:00:00 1998 GMT

Ok, this explains why MSIE 3.01 works.  The cert was issued in 1998
and expires in 1999, so it's signed with the root expiring 12/31/99
which is the one built into the browsers.  It's newer GSID's (those
issued in 1999) that don't work.  

I've just been on the phone with Verisign and after 1/2 hour of arguing
they finally transferred me to someone who admitted they knew about the
problem but they blame it on Microsoft.  I asked if they could sign a new
GSID with the old root, which would at least keep the GSID working for
the rest of this year, and they said it was an automated process (as
if their automated processes were not programmed by human beings).

Thanks for the help... looks like we may have to try to escalate it
with Verisign and/or Microsoft... sigh...   :-((((((

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