Keith Kwiatek wrote:
> Hello,
> I am newbie...
> I installed apache 1.3.6, then I installed mod_perl and re-built apache.....then
> I got mod_ssl and notice that it will rebuild apache again.... BUT can I create
> a build of apache that has BOTH mod_perl and mod_ssl? Or when I build apache
> with mod_ssl, will it wipe out my mod_perl?
> Can anyone point me to a resoure for accomplishing the above......

Not to be a complete smart-ass, but the README and INSTALL docs for
mod_ssl cover this topic rather thoroughly.  If you're a newbie, please
get in the habit of reading those documents before wasting bandwidth and
time with FAQ's or readily available information.

We all miss minor points in the docs from time to time... that's ok. 
But, your question is covered in such detail and scale that there's
really not much of an excuse.

(pardon the tone of my ASCII, it's been a frustrating morning)


       Ubergeek - AnglersWeb, Inc / W3Works, LLC
         Data Monger - Gestalt Technology, LLC

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