I`m affraid that this is a bit off the road, but i don`t know where to ask
for it.
I`m building up our internal server on Caldera OpenLinux 2.2 with Apache
1.3.6, mod_ssl 2.3.5, mm 1.0.8 and OpenSSL 0.9.3a for secure data
transmission. It will be used internal and external by dial-in for our
collegues at home.

We use our one CA to secure our site with client certificates and now my
boss asked me if we could use certificates to sign our documents (e.g.
Acrobat Docs). No problem at this point. But now he wants time stamps. I
found a IETF Draft about Time Stamping but nothing else. Is it possible to
use mod_ssl, OpenSSL for this task ?


Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
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