I did a quick test with mod_ssl 2.4.5 on Win32 and it`s still broken.
I applied the patches as usual on a fresh installed system. Only WinNT,
Visual C++6 SP3 and Cygwin-B20 are installed.

It still causes a page fault, but now in Apache. When I use mod_ssl 2.4.2,
all is fine. 2.4.3 to 2.4.5 all produce a page fault. The hint from EKR
about a incorrect patch.exe didn`t solve the problem.

I read through the Changes and found the following entry:

Enabled SSL_USE_SEM (Semaphore based SSLMutex) now explicitly for FreeBSD,
NetBSD, OpenBSD, Linux and Solaris.

What about Win32 ? Doesn`t it use semaphore based mutex, too ? Could this
be the reason, why mod_ssl crashes on Win32 ?

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
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