Hi all,

This is a simple question... I've searched the list, as far as I've been
getting it... And www.modssl.org seems to be down...

Anyhow, I can easily generate a key and a self-signed certificate - they
work quite well. But with the certificate I get from Thawte (and Verisign),
apache doesn't start at all. Installation seems to be as simple as replacing
my self-signed cert with what Thawte gave me...

What am I missing?

Thanks in advance.

> The file www.virtualhost.com.crt is your self-signed certificate. You can use
> it as a temporary certificate while you are waiting for a real certificate
> from Thawte. You install it by updating the virtual host section of your
> Apache configuration for www.virtualhost.com as follows:
> SSLCertificateFile    /path/to/your/www.virtualhost.com.crt
> SSLCertificateKeyFile /path/to/your/www.virtualhost.com.key
> When you receive your real certificate, you will install it in place of your
> self-signed certificate at /path/to/your/www.virtualhost.com.crt.

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