On Jul 23, 10:43am, Karl Denninger wrote:
} How do I restrict access on a mod_ssl server in certain directories to ONLY
} SSL encrypted sessions?
} The syntax suggested in the apache.conf.default file doesn't appear to work
} - I'm sure I'm doing something stupid, and would appreciate a snipped from a
} config file that does the job.

     The method I used is very simple.  Since the secure server is a
seperate virtual server, I just set a different DocumentRoot for it,
and voila, secure pages can't be access insecurely.

} Basically, I want to lock down certain CGI programs so they CANNOT be
} executed unless the session is encrypted.  I don't mind rejecting the
} request (re-writing it to https: from http: is not really what I'm after;
} I'd prefer to just bounce it)

     You can use the above method.  Just put the CGI's somewhere in the
DocumentRoot for the secure server, or create a seperate ScriptAlias
for it.

}-- End of excerpt from Karl Denninger
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