Gsandtner Michael wrote:

> How I can control on proxy , whether the connected SSL server (in the
> example server.intern) is trusted or not ?

Well, you might want to try:

          o  SSLProxyVerify on|off
             (whether to verify the remote certificate)
          o  SSLProxyVerifyDepth N
             (maximum certificate verification depth)
          o  SSLProxyCACertificateFile /path/to/file
             (file containing server certificates)
          o  SSLProxyCACertificatePath /path/to/dir
             (directory containing server certificates)

(Snipped from the 2.6.0 Announcement).


Mads Toftum, QDPH
I wonder if this will be delivered according to RFC 1149 or RFC 2549.  

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)         
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