> I just installed mod_ssl.
 > When I started the httpd server(./apachectl startssl),
 > there was error messages in error_log saying
 > "Child could not open SSLMutex lockfile ....logs/ssl_mutex.17472".
 > Would you tell me how to fix it?

Finally a chance to give something back. Not much, but something.

This kind of thing gave me fits, also with the ssl_scache.dir and 
ssl_scache.pag files. I dove into the source, did some experiments, and 
came out with an answer!

The program creates these files as root (or whomever starts the server) and 
then does a chown as the web User (configured as "nobody") to allow the 
children to get the job done.

On my system (it is an old build) I cannot chown a file to user "nobody", 
just doesn't work. No error messages but it doesn't work. I found this out 
by doing it manually, logged in as root and attempted to chown the files in 
question, no dice.

So I created another non-privileged user "webdaemon" and changed httpd.conf 
to run the web as this real (but not powerful) user... and voila my 
problems with the SSL lock files went away.

Your results might differ but I figured I'd share my story. Good luck.

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