Addressed to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
              Mel Sojka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

** Reply to note from Mel Sojka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sat, 06 May 2000 11:31:32 -0500
> Folks I have just evolved from 5 years of Slackware to Red Hat and I
> am having a heck of a time getting modssl up and running. I can't find
> the directories mentioned in the doc and I realize it is an RPM
> situation. I think I have all of the needed RPMs but I really would
> like someone who has gotten this up in RH 6.2 or any of the 6 series
> to give me a step by step if possible. I don't plan to use FP on this
> server, it will be dedicated to apache only.                                         
>                 Thanks Mel -- 

1.  rm *.rpm    #   Delete all those $@##  RPM's

2.  downolad the latest mod_ssl.   ( )

3.  untar the mod_ssl package.

4.  Follow the instructions in mod_ssl's INSTALL file.

This will involve obtaining and compiling a number of packages including
Apache, openssl, mod_ssl, mm, possibly mod_perl and php.  I have not
gotten a good DSO compile yet, but the instructions for a static Apache
+ mod_ssl + php + mysql near the bottom of the mod_ssl INSTALL file have
worked like a charm for me several times.

The first time took about 6 hours to figure out what I was doing, I've
got it down to about a 2 hour process now.  Most of that is watching the
compiler work.

I've been watching the php mailing list for a few months, and in most
cases the best RPM solution is not to use them.  If what you want to
create does not exactly match what the RPM builder was making you are
out of luck.

Rick Widmer

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)         
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