> On Tue, May 30, 2000 at 02:41:50PM -0600, Joel Smith wrote:
> > I've read chapter 5 of the modssl docs (the section on Client
> > Authentication and Access Control), but can find quite what I'm looking
> > for.  I'm trying to find an easy way to require certificate based
> > authentication to apache only from machines outside our firewall,
> > whereas, those within can authenticate with a username/password pair.
> > I've done this easily enough to qmail with the TLS patch and to imaps
> > via stunnel.  If I could get apache w/ modssl to do the same, I'd be
> > set. I don't want to make two different areas of the site (like the
> > "/secure/area" described in the docs) Anyone have a good idea?  I
> > suppose potentially I could have a virtual host which those outside
> > could point to, and another inside, but I'd rather not.  Users are so
> > hard to train. :-)

Mads Toftum wrote:

> I might be missing what you're trying to do - but if I'm reading this
> right, then all you want to do is to allow plain http access from one
> location and require SSL + client certs from all other ip's?
> Then it really isn't that hard at all - just make Apache listen on plain
> HTTP and limit access to that based on ip, and then also make an HTTPS/
> client cert protected virtual host that just has the same DocumentRoot.
> You can then choose to let HTTPS users enter their passwords as they would
> with plain HTTP or you could use SSLOptions +FakeBasicAuth
> (see http://www.modssl.org/docs/2.6/ssl_reference.html#ToC21).
> Alternatively you could set up a solution like:

I need the local users to use HTTPS also, since they will be authenticating with
username/password.  I don't like stuff flying around in the clear.  That's why it's 
Is their a directive that says "Require cert unless originating from  IP address
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"?  Your idea is similar to the different virtual host solution I 
proposed.  i.e.
give one url to internal people, another to external, and the internal vhost will only 
talk to
LAN users, the external will require a cert, but since our whole company is passing 
intranet URLs all the time, it's not practical to train users to send both urls, or 
for people
to figure out why a given URL isn't working for them.  I wan one host, https, that can 
decide if
a cert is needed to authenticate based on originating IP address.

Let me see if I understand the solution based on the post to the modperl list.  We 
give people a
URL to a machine that is proxying trafic.  That machine checks the IP address, then 
based on
whether they originate from the outside or the inside, it redirects them to a site 
which does or
doesn't require a cert.  Is that it?  I guess that would work too.  I'd still rather 
be able to
do it with a directive in the conf file on a singe vhost.

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