(system - WinNT, Apache+mod_ssl+openssl as a service)

Ok -

I've received a test cert from Thawte, installed it, created a server.key
file, saved the Thawte cert as server.crt, and placed server.crt and
server.key in the appropriate places in httpd.conf in Apache.

The problem is, when I re-start Apache (as a service in NT), I get the
following error:
"Could Not Start Apache: Error 2186, the service is not responding to the
control function."

The strange thing is, that Apache DOES start, and my processor gets totally
dog slow immediately, I'm unable to shutdown apache from the services GUI,
the task manager, or from command line, I have to set to manual startup in
services and re-boot.

Other symptoms.  Once I start Apache like above, I CAN access localhost,
though obviously I cannot access https.  Also, if I comment out the ssl-cert
specific lines in httpd.conf, re-boot, then re-start apache, the problem is
fixed.  Also, if I replace server.crt and server.key with their snake-oil
counterparts, the problem goes away.

My assumption is that there is something dreadfully wrong with either my
test server.crt (which I've generated three times now from Thawte) or my
server.key file (which I've created several times as well) or both.

Does anyone have any insight into my problem?  Is it something simple I'm

Thanks in advance.

Tim Willis
IS Tecnician
Code Rite

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