
Try this:

LoadModule proxy_module       modules/libproxy.so
AddModule mod_proxy.c

ProxyVia Block
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPass /somedir/ http://www.safeplace.com/otherdir/
ProxyPassReverse /somedir/ http://www.safeplace.com/otherdir/

It is pretty simple.
If you need more complex solution then use mod_rewrite.

Wish you luck,

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2000 7:07 PM
Subject: SSL and reverse proxy weirdness : >

> I would like to do something with mod_ssl and Apache 1.3.12
> that seems simple yet is not doing what I require.
> https://www.foobar.com or http://www.foobar.com should
> reverse proxy for http://www.safeplace.com. ie: I should
> see the pages from www.safeplace.com appear on foobar.com's
> http server either as a client SSL connection or plain connection.
> I have read all examples on engelschalls pages and have
> tried maybe 100 variations of rules today and usually get /tmp
> contents of foobar and nothing in the logs.
> As there is nothing in the logs I cannot tell what is wrong
> with my rules.
> I have also been through a couple of archives today and dejanews
> and this precise topic does not show up thus far. Any suggestions
> or ideas?
> Thanks - Gerry
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