Hi Amol, most the your problems are simple.
I will list each one and the explanation for it:
1) The directive StartServers make no sense to Win Plataform because the 
model that Apache use is Thread-based. This directive is used by Apache to 
control Apache Child Processes, which only exist on Apache model (pre-forked 
processes) used on Unix S.O. Therefore, you donīt need specify this 
2)The concept behind the directive User doesnīt exist on Win Plataform. You 
donīt need specify this directive.
3) When the server is started, it creates the httpd.pid file to storage its 
Process ID. If this file already exists, then Apache complains because it 
will have to override the file. This situation probably occurs when the 
server is stopped without shutdown: apachectl stop

Bye. Danilo.

>From: Amol Natu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Start Apache in SSL enabled mode
>Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2000 23:53:35 +0400
>I am facing a problem in starting Apache with SSL. The configuration I am
>using is :
>NT Server 4.0
>Apache : 1.3.12
>ModSSL: 2.6.4
>OpenSSL: 0.9.5
>Active Perl : 522
>VC 6.0
>I am installed the above components based on instructions provided in the
>Install.Win32 document alongwith the ModSSL. My Apache starts well and the
>default page can be accessed successfully. The following is the output when
>I start w/o SSL.
>apache.exe -k start -f httpd.conf
>WARNING: StartServers has no effect on Win32
>[Sun Jun 11 23:38:32 2000] [notice] User directive has no affect on Win32
>[Sun Jun 11 23:38:32 2000] [warn] pid file
>e:\apache-ssl\apache_1.3.12\logs\httd.pid overwritten -- Unclean shutdown 
>previous Apache run?
>Apache/1.3.12 (Win32) running...
>I can't make out much from the above statement. Can somebody elaborate on
>Further to this, I used OpenSSL to generate a CSR and a key pair. I
>requested for a server certificate and installed the key, server 
>and the CA chain in the appropriate places (httpd.conf modified 
>Now I need to start Apache with SSL. I am using the following command and
>get the following errors:
>E:\apache-ssl\apache_1.3.12\conf>apache.exe -f httpd.conf -k start -D "SSL"
>WARNING: StartServers has no effect on Win32
>[Sun Jun 11 23:31:02 2000] [notice] User directive has no affect on Win32
>Syntax error on line 1020 of e:/apache-ssl/apache_1.3.12/conf/httpd.conf:
>Invalid command 'SSLEngine', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not
>included in the server configuration
>The related part of the httpd.conf reads as follows:
>#   SSL Engine Switch:
>#   Enable/Disable SSL for this virtual host.
>SSLEngine on
>#   SSL Cipher Suite:
>#   List the ciphers that the client is permitted to negotiate.
>#   See the mod_ssl documentation for a complete list.
>I am not using any kinda Virtual hosts, could somebody elaborate on the
>right changes that I need to do in the httpd.conf.
>Does the 'apachectl startssl' work only on Unix platforms ? Can we try
>something on those lines on NT ?
><< AmolNatu.vcf >>

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