Thanks for the suggestion.  However, when I did it, I got this:

httpd -DSSL -l
httpd: illegal option -- D
Usage: httpd [-d directory] [-f file] [-v] [-h] [-l]
-d directory : specify an alternate initial ServerRoot
-f file : specify an alternate ServerConfigFile
-v : show version number
-h : list directives
-l : list modules

I tried it again without the minus (httpd DSSL -l) and just got the module
list I got before.  SSL didn't show up.

David Rees wrote:

> Remember that when you do a "apachectl startssl", it adds the
> argument -DSSL.  So if you do a "httpd -DSSL -l", you should see ssl in
> there.
> -Dave
> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Diana Moreland
> > Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2000 8:07 AM
> > Subject: SSL configuration with Apache
> >
> >
> > Hi everybody,
> >
> > I followed all the instructions for installing modssl but I'm not
> > confident that everything is where it's supposed to be.  When I issue
> > the apachectl startssl command, the daemon starts but I'm not sure that
> > SSL is actually enabled.
> >
> > When I do a httpd -l, I get this:
> > Compiled-in modules:
> >   http_core.c
> >   mod_env.c
> >   mod_log_config.c
> >   mod_mime.c
> >   mod_negotiation.c
> >   mod_include.c
> >   mod_dir.c
> >   mod_cgi.c
> >   mod_asis.c
> >   mod_imap.c
> >   mod_actions.c
> >   mod_userdir.c
> >   mod_alias.c
> >   mod_access.c
> >   mod_auth.c
> >   mod_browser.c
> >
> > I don't see modssl.c in the list.  Listed below are the changes I made
> > to the httpd.conf file to accomodate SSL:
> >
> > SSLRANDOMSEED startup egd:/etc/entropy
> > SSLRANDOMSEED connect builtin
> >
> > SSLProtocol -all +SSLv2
> > SSLCipherSuite SSLv2:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+EXP
> >
> > Also:
> > Port 80
> > Listen 80
> > Listen 443
> >
> > Is there something else I need to do to the conf file?
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Diana
> >
> > ______________________________________________________________________
> > Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)         
> > User Support Mailing List                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Automated List Manager                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ______________________________________________________________________
> Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)         
> User Support Mailing List                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Automated List Manager                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)         
User Support Mailing List                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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