On Tue, Jul 11, 2000 at 03:07:23PM -0400, Diana Moreland wrote:
> Great idea!  I tried it (after I downloaded and installed MM [thanks for the
> tip]).
> Everything seemed to go fine until I tried to start Apache.  It didn't know
> what to do with the SSLRandomseed directive, plus it threw up on a couple of
> other ones.
> When I did an httpd -l after this compile, the only modules that showed up
> were http_core.c and mod_so.c.  Am I right in assuming there's a bunch of
> stuff  I need to change in the conf file using the LoadModule directive?  If
> so, which modules do I load and in which order?
The easiest thing to do is to remove (or rename) any previous httpd.conf, then
you'll get a brand new one all ready for the basic options you compiled your 
server with - so that if you're using mod_so, then it will automagically add
LoadModule and AddModule for the relevant modules. It should also get the ssl
stuff more or less right. I'd say that my experience is that the basic httpd.conf
created by this procedure works well enough to at least get the server started 
straight out of the box nine out of ten times. If you do insist on doing it from
scratch then take a look at httpd.conf-dist from the Apache source tree and
at  pkg.sslcfg/sslcfg.patch from the mod_ssl source dir.


Mads Toftum
`Darn it, who spiked my coffee with water?!' - lwall

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