Full_Name: Doug Taylor
Version: 2.6.4-1.3.12
OS: Linux
Submission from: (NULL) (

Also using OpenSSL version 0.9.4 and Apache version 1.3.12.

I create a key pair (.key and .crt files) and update Apache to look for them. 
No problem, Apache works, SSL works, all is well.

I then use my .key file to create a .csr file and send it off to VeriSign.  They
send me back a file, which I install in place of the .crt file.  Apache won't

So I take a look at my original .crt file using the following command:
openssl x509 -noout -text -in /path/to/my/certificate.crt

And it outputs a list of information about the certificate.  No problem.  All is
working well.

Then I attempt the same command with my new .crt file, and get the following

unable to load certificate
26265:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:610:

I have tried resolving this with VeriSign to no end.  All they will say is "look
at Apache/mod_ssl/OpenSSL documentation".  So I have done so (again) and still
can find no explanation of what might be causing this problem.  It almost seems
like they're sending me a bad file, but I've tried it 3 times (with three
different keys) and all come to the same result.

Any help appreciated, I don't really know where else to look...

Doug Taylor
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