(Resending this msg, since I got no answers last time - isn't there anyone
that has some tips here?)

I'm having difficulties in getting client verification to work in mod-ssl.
The method i use (which has been successful om my old system, Apache-SSL) is
to require that clients that connect to certain directories has to present a
valid certificate.

Since I'm using personal certs (Versign, Thawte) I've applied the
+FakeBasicAuth method, but all the same I'm getting an error message sayting
that the server could not verify the certificate.

The directive looks like this:

<Directory /usr/local/www/secure>
SSLVerifyClient      require
SSLVerifyDepth     10
SSLOptions           +FakeBasicAuth
AuthName             "Administration"
AuthType             Basic
AuthUserFile         /usr/local/apache/conf/ssl/httpd.passw
require              valid-user

And the AuthUserFile contains the following:

/CN=Thawte Freemail
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:$apr1$YfhWp...$njsBVJ87Mfunuo2WujtXA1

Anyone that could shed some light here?

Thanks, Goran

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