Can anyone point me to a document that compares SSL performance to non-SSL performance?
I recently compiled up modssl-2.6.1 against 1.3.12 on Win32, and I get speeds about 
1/20th of what I get from the same server without SSL enabled.  That doesn't seem 

I have read Mark Cox's document at <> , it is very 
good, but it didn't solve my problem, as it doesn't talk about non-SSL.  Although to 
be fair, I am not compiling RC4 into openssl, so I am probably using 3DES, which will 
hurt me a bit according to the above document.

I have enabled dbm SSLSessionCache, and I doubt if enabled a shared memory cache will 
improve my performance greatly.  (Especially since my real quick benchmark that I used 
only made 1 keepalive connection.

The only thing special about my configuration is that I am using mod_auth_digest and 

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)         
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