I am very familiar configuring mod_ssl / openssl / apache.  Can someone
advise as to the pitfalls I might encounter, if there are any, and how
to overcome them when upgrading from the following versions of software
to the latest on a FREEBSD box?

OS: 3.2-STABLE FreeBSD 3.2-STABLE #2 i386 (not a chance of upgrading
this to latest...yet!)
APACHE: 1.3.9
MODSSL: mod_ssl/2.4.0
OPENSSL: OpenSSL/0.9.4

What I am really worried about is my vhost's certs.  Will they still
work if I upgrade modssl and openssl?

Will they still work if I just upgrade apache and mod_ssl (do I even
need to upgrade openssl at all?)


Can I just upgrade apache and keep the current versions of modssl and openssl...?


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Thus is the nature of the System Admin"
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
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