> A direct question to Ralf, will you port mod_ssl to Apache 2.0 ?
> API tends to move less (even if ap_r* are still discussed) and we may
> see a first beta in some weeks.


As the first who tried to give a detailed answer for a similar question
in this list (about a year ago), let me say something (though I'm not
going to repeat the whole explanation):

There are some arguments regarding Apache 2.0. I think Ralf will be glad
to detail. But one of the concensual issues, at least for purposes like
SSL support, is the filtered I/O mechanism. This feature, was developed
especially for things like compression, SSL encryption, spelling, and
other filters which are applied on the output of the various modules of

Actually, if mod_ssl was required to be developed from scratch, at least
a half of the work (in my humble opinion) could be avoided. Apache 2.0
could be an amazing shortcut for development of SSL layer. No more
patches, no more EAPI, no more seg faults of binary modules which were
pre-compiled, and no more endless runnings after each minor version of
Apache. The final Paradise.

However, as we know ;-), mod_ssl is already working, alive and kicking.
And since it proved itself in so many installations, and so many bugs
and incompatibilities have been fixed, it will be silly to develop a new
layer from scratch.

Apache 2.0 is being developed for more than 4 years. I know that the
porting of mod_ssl to 2.0 will take less time, but I believe it is
important to start with it. Even esoteric modules are already finalizing
their 2.0 port, after a long time of porting, and mod_ssl even didn't
start this porting. I believe that mod_ssl is one of the most important
and critical modules. And these days, that there are no more patents,
neither US export limitations, it has the potential to become a standard
part of Apache.

I hope this effort will start and end soon.

P.S.  I want to thank Ralf for his excellent work!
Eli Marmor
CTO, Founder
Netmask (El-Mar) Internet Technologies Ltd.
Tel.:   +972-9-766-1020          8 Yad-Harutzim St.
Fax.:   +972-9-766-1314          P.O.B. 7004
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