Ok - I've lurked here since September... and now that I have my server
almost up and ready to go, I have a question - but first a statement:


There seem to be a lot of conflicting views on the best way to set up the
ciphersuite and related SSL configuration parameters to provide the maximum
flexibility with the various browser versions.  Obviously, things change
over the course of 6 months as browsers have evolved... and because of this
I expect some of the older suggestions have been overridden by newer ones.


The question is - which ones make the most sence for a generalized access
server?  Many of the suggestions I've read were to deal with a specific
browser - but then a day or so later, someone pops up and says that the fix
broke their install for another browser.  Is there no all-encompasing SSL
configuration directives that (today) provide the maximum flexibility for
all SSL aware browsers??

Right now, I'm using the defaults as set by v2.8.0... and have seen no
problems, but I've only used a small subset of browsers in my testing.  I am
of course expecting that every tom-dick-and-harry SSL capable browser in
existance will eventually find it's way onto my server...and as such I'd
like to be ready for them ahead of thier arrival.

Is there a single, standardized set of SSL* configuration directives
somewhere out there that I can just occasionally go and grab and update my
install with?  Does anyone maintain a mailing list which periodically sends
out new changes/tweeks that deal with the new versions of browsers as they
get released?

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
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