My problem:

I need to authenticate based on certificates from multiple, unrelated CA's. Because 
FakeBasicAuth only maps on the subject, it won't work on it's own; a hacker could 
register the same subject name with a different (but still accepted CA).

My first attempt to work around this was to use a fastcgi authenticator, but 
apparently the fastcgi authenticator can't access the client certificate, even if 
+ExportCertData is set.

So unless I'm missing something, I'm off to hack the source code. I'm interested in 
opinions on how this hack would be most useful to the mod_ssl community.

Some options:
1. Make sure that a fastcgi authenticator gets the client cert
2. +FakeBasicAuth2: Use a hash of all the signed information instead of just the 
subject. This is easily extracted from the certificate
3. Modify the SSLRequire expression language to allow user defined functions.



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