> Thanks for this most interesting tip.  But who's DNS are they querying for
> the reverse lookup?  And does the reverse lookup need to return the exact
> same web server name in the certificate (i.e. www.yozons.com even though
> my
> reverse DNS might call it w1.yozons.com because that's the computer's real
> name, and it has several other alias names)?
> I'd love to have this fixed, that's for sure.
The real name doesn't matter. Your DNS provider must have a reverse entry in
the DNS server, which points back to the IP-address, not the real name.

lets say, your server is at, then you'll have a CNAME for
www.yozons.com pointing to the real name and a reverse entry, which
says, that www.yozons.com has the IP Without this reverse
entry, no AOL client will be able to acesss the site. Ask your DNS
provider, if he has setup a reverse entry. If not, this can easily be
done. Just a matter of seconds and the name server is updated and AOL
users will be able to access the site.


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