> > [ Falk Großwig ] wrote:
> > 
> > Hello,
> > 
> > i just installed the mod_ssl for Apache. First it workes fine, but i
> > cant tell how, the Apache shuts down the mod_ssl ...
> > 
> > i cant reach the mod_ssl url if i open a new browser window.
> > 
> > 
> > <VirtualHost ssl.design-4-you.ath.cx>
> > ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > ServerName design-4-you
> > DocumentRoot E:/Server/secure/
> > ErrorLog E:/Server/logs/secure.design-4-you.ath.cx-error_log
> > CustomLog 
> E:/Server/logs/secure.design-4-you.ath.cx-access_log common
> > SSLEngine On
> > SSLCertificateFile conf/ssl/www.design-4-you.ath.cx.cert
> > SSLCertificateKeyFile conf/ssl/www.design-4-you.ath.cx.key
> > </VirtualHost>
> So this is your SSL VH?
> First, you need:
> Listen 443
> before the VH so apache listens to port 443, which is where SSL works.
> Second, you need to define port 443 in the VH, i.e.
> <VirtualHost ssl.design-4-you.ath.cx:443>
> Third, you need to start apache with SSL. In unix, the command is:
> # apachectl startssl
> or (more primitively)
> # ./httpd -DSSL
> check the docs for the appropriate command under windows.

...which would be

apache -D SSL

Fourth, your apache needs to be compiled with the -EAPI flag, otherwise
mod_ssl will not work. if you use a binary distribution, this is most
probably not the case. AFAIK there is no such distribution for 1.3.22

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
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