I fixed this problem.  I wasn't linking the dll to libhttpd properly.  
everything compiles now, but when I run apache with ssl enables ( -DSSL ), 
apache no longer responds to requests. . . .   Any suggestions?


>From: "Edward Wong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: modssl/apache2 compile problems
>Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2002 14:17:45 -0800
>I've managed to get apache to compile and install seperately from mod_ssl.
>If I compile mod_ssl seperately, it builds mod_ssl.so fine.  However, when 
>try to load mod_ssl into apache(under win2k), it keeps on saying that it
>can't find the module /path_to_module/mod_ssl.so.
>What am I doing wrong?  The error is:
>Cannot load C:/Apache2/modules/mod_ssl.so into the server.  The specified
>module could not be found.
>Pertinent sectino of httpd.conf is:
>LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so
>Please help . . . . .
>>From: Leo Baschy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: modssl/apache2 compile problems
>>Date: Sat, 02 Feb 2002 04:57:42 -0800
>>Sounds similar to my problem building that under Windows.  Using cygwin.
>>Using the Visual C++ dsw/dsp projects.  Rest of Apache 2.0.28 builds fine.
>>Have put in openssl etc.  (Previously on same machine have successfully
>>built 1.3.20 with mod_ssl, still do.)
>>The problem is specific to lex, specifically flex, processing
>>     lex.ssl_expr_yy.c(1753) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ')'
>>before 'constant'
>>That seems to indicate there is a file ssl_expr_scan.l which is being used
>>to generate ssl_expr_scan.c and that generation doesn't work right.  The 
>>file fails to compile.
>>A temporary workaround seems to be to skip lex/flex use the 
>>file that comes with 2.0.28, but I have no idea whether that might 
>>be an (older) incorrect version then.
>>Anyone willing to tinker with (or knowledgable about) versions of lex?
>>Can ssl_expr_scan.l be fine tuned to make this work again?
>>- Leo Baschy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>At 06:02 PM 1/31/02 -0500, Ed Wong wrote:
>> >Generating Code...
>> >  link.exe @C:\DOCUME~1\edwon\LOCALS~1\Temp\nmb02172.
>> >    Creating library .\Debug\mod_ssl.lib and object .\Debug\mod_ssl.exp
>> >ssl_expr.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
>> >ssl_expr_scan.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
>> >_ssl_expr_yylval
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