Thanx Andrew for a quick response.

I am in a mess ... this project landed in my lap just 8 days back when I new
nothing about apache's httpd.conf or PKI or openssl etc etc.. 
But today i feel so much more aware.

[http page]
The problem is in our intranet site we have first page which has to be a http
page where the new user sends a request for certificate to my CA.

[https Page - SSLVerifyClient none]
The second page is where the new user is asked to provide user id & PEM pass
phrase to generate a certificate

[http page - SSLVerifyClient require]
The third page where all registered users fill there user id & password and use
the intranet aaplication.

now I need to create three virtual hosts in
[httpd.conf file]
[ssl.conf file]
how do configure the two files for the same.

1. where do i put the virtual host details for http page
2. where do i put the virtual host details for https page SSLVerifyClient none
3. where do i put the virtual host details for https page SSLVerifyClient

Please suggest.



--- Andrew Lietzow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Sonu,
> RE:>>I have configured my httpd.conf & ssl.conf file also but probably I am
> not
> doing something right as my site is not opening as required.
> ...and...
> RE:>>> I have one page which has to be http
> > I have the second page which has to be https with sslverifyclient none
> > I have a third page which is https with sslverifyclient require
> > I have read that i will require IP base virtual hosts.
> ...and...
> RE:>>
> I want to use apache 2.0 how do I configure it with mod_ssl & openssl.
> --------
> Okay, now that you have shared the background, what exactly is happening?  I
> guess the reason I was (on Saturday) curious as to whether you have followed
> guides available
> from Apache, openssl, and mod_ssl is because FOR ME, the Apache 2.0.35
> system
> configured very quickly to provide a secure server, without hardly a
> whimper.  Download the tarball,
> run configure, generate the key, csr, and crt, and voila, secure server is
> up and running.  This does
> not, however, address your last configuration, with sslverifyclient =>
> require.  That I have not tried.
> However, if you can provide the scenario for your error or perceived
> disfunctionality of the system,
> then possibly someone can help you quickly move forward.  I doubt that it is
> I, but send
> more information and I'll be glad to help if I can.  Most here will do the
> same, or so I believe,
> or they probably wouldn't continue to subscribe.
> Take some time to thoroughly clearly describe the error or the problem and
> you may get some
> very quick help.
> Good Luck!
> Andrew Lietzow
> The ACL Group, Inc.

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