See comments,


Owen Boyle

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Matt Nelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Mittwoch, 31. Juli 2002 17:01
>Subject: RE: Error message help
>Well I may have figured this out, https is now running, cert 
>was in the wrong place, 

..or your SSLCertificateFile directive was pointing to the wrong place :-)

> ...but https returns the default web page for the apache 
>installation, instead of the real site, which does come up with just 
>http.  I think I can figure that out, but if anyone has pointer 
>thanks,  and thanks for suffering my dumb questions.

Check out your DocumentRoot directive in the SSL virtual host - there should only be 
one. If there is more than one, apache will use the last one... It is this directive 
which tells apache where to fetch the content.

>At 09:36 AM 7/31/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>>At 03:56 PM 7/31/2002 +0200, you wrote:
>>> >From: Matt Nelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>> >
>>> >Now, the error I'm getting now  that I can't seem to find any
>>> >help on, in
>>> >the error_log is:
>>> >
>>> >OpenSSL: error:0D06B078:asn1 encoding 
>>> too long
>>> >
>>>Unusual.. Do you see anything in the browser? Also:
>>>- What versions of apache, mod_ssl, openssl?
>>Apache 1.3.22
>>OpenSSL 0.9.6
>>mod_ssl 1.4

Um... If I were you, I'd get apache 1.3.26, OpenSSL 0.9.6e and mod_ssl 2.8.10. That's 
teh latest mix, also pay attention to the security advisory that was posted to the 
list today. 

>>>- Static or DSO?

When you compiled apache, did you statically compile in mod_ssl (i.e. 
--enable-module=ssl) so that the mod_ssl binary gets munged in with the apache binary 
to produce a big binary *or* did you compile mod_ssl as a shared object which would be 
loaded dynamically at runtime (DSO = Dynamic Shared Object), i.e. --enable-shared=ssl? 
Usually, it doesn't make much difference when they're working, but since yours was not 
working, I thought I'd ask.

>>I'll be honest and say I don't quite understand that 
>question.  I'm way 
>>more new at this what I wished.  I could probably answer that 
>question, if 
>>asked in different terms.
>>>- What browser?
>>IE, Mozilla, you name it.

Just in case it was a funny browser - SSL is as much to do with the client as it is to 
do with the server so it is essential to verify any problems with several browsers. 
But you've already done that.

>>>owen Boyle
>>>Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)          
>>User Support Mailing List                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Automated List Manager                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)         
>User Support Mailing List                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Automated List Manager                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)         
User Support Mailing List                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)         
User Support Mailing List                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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