Great explanation, Owen. I'm keeping it for whenever somebody asks me --for
the upteenth time-- how to do it.

Which set me thinking: The top 20 questions, which take up a lot of traffic
on this list, are really about configuration tips & tricks, and are not
really covered in the FAQ. Why don't we help Ralph by adding
them to the FAQ? It would help a lot if we do that, and include a link to it
on the subscription confirmation and the list sig.

Ralph, would that be OK with you? 

Off the top of my head, I can think of a few Q's that crop up on an 
almost daily basis:
        - How do I set a a pure-virtual SSL host? (You don't.)
        - Well, then how do I set up an SSL host? (A basic 20-line
          config, specifying _default_:443 and specificserver:443 
        - How do I force all or a part of my site to be served 
          exclusively by SSL? (Redirects by core, mod_rewrite and/or
        - Compiling on different platforms. (This might be the most 
          difficult part to keep up to date, but some quick ten-or-
          twenty liners, culled from correct answers on the list might 
          be enough.)
        - MSIE keepalive strangeness and bug workarounds (global and 
          agent-specific cipher stuff)
        - How do I sign/self-sign my certificate? (That one's already
          in the docs; maybe five-line quick answer?)
        - How do I set up an SSL->plain HTTP gateway, or vice versa?
          (mod_proxy, maybe with help by mod_rewrite, other solutions 
          such as stunnel)

¿Can anybody think of other high-traffic topics not on the existing FAQ? 

I would be able to help on this FAQ by the start of next month. Anybody else
want to chip in?

Cheers...                       Marco Zamora

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Boyle Owen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> [...]
> >From: Justin Georgeson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >
> >I have Apache 1.3.17 with mod_ssl. I'm not a real proficient apache 
> Congratulations, you've already done the hard part of 
> installing mod_ssl and getting it running with certs and so 
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)         
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