Title: http + https
I’m trying to configure my server to use SSL just for requests to a specific directory.

I’ve read the manuals, installed mod_ssl + certificate and all seemed to be working fine,

HTTP access to the server at large goes ahead and http accesses to the ‘secured’ directory are refused as desired.

However when a file know to be stored within the secured directory is requested a page not found error is displayed and the following written to ssl_engine_log, (ssl_request_log remains empty);

[20/Sep/2002 15:33:26 68075] [error] SSL handshake interrupted by system [Hint: Stop button pressed in browser?!] (System error follows)
[20/Sep/2002 15:33:26 68075] [error] System: Broken pipe (errno: 32)

I’m using the following lines in my httpd.conf to try and achieve the desired affect;

SSLVerifyClient none
<Directory /usr/local/apache/htdocs/secure>
        SSLVerifyClient require
        SSLVerifyDepth 1

When I put the above lines in the ssl virtual host directive nothing appears to happen, http accesses to the directory are granted, though when I move it to <IfModule mod_ssl.c> http accesses to the directory are refused as desired, which confuses me.

Can anyone help as I’m real stuck with this one.
BTW- as yet the CommonName used by my certificate is not applied to my server, I’m accessing the machine via its IP and acknowledging the warning dialogue my browser displays… I’m assuming this is not the cause of my trouble?

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