Could you eloborate on why you say that reverse proxy with SSL won't work?
We've been running it for years on our Exchange system here, although
granted that uses 5.5 rather than 2000. Testing of access to OWA 2000 is on
my to-do list.

Thank you.

John Airey, BSc (Jt Hons), CNA, RHCE
Internet systems support officer, ITCSD, Royal National Institute of the
Bakewell Road, Peterborough PE2 6XU,
Tel.: +44 (0) 1733 375299 Fax: +44 (0) 1733 370848 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Theories of evolution are like buses - there'll be another one along in a

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robin P. Blanchard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 30 September 2002 14:29
> Subject: mod_ssl / mod_proxy interaction
> in effort to eventually setup a secure apache reverse proxy 
> for exchange
> 2000's OWA, i've run into the following dilemma....
> per the mod-ssl docs, i had the following declared globally:
> SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown
> downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
> and realised after much wailing and gnashing of teeth that that line
> caused the following (non-ssl) virtual host failed to operate 
> correctly
> under IE:
> Listen
> <VirtualHost>
>            ServerName    
>            UseCanonicalName        Off
>            CustomLog       /tmp/webmail-trans.log combined
>            ErrorLog        /tmp/webmail-error.log
>            RedirectPermanent /
>            ProxyRequests Off
>            ProxyVia Full
>            ProxyPass /exchange/
>            ProxyPassReverse /exchange/ 
>            ProxyPass /public/
>            ProxyPassReverse /public/ 
>            ProxyPass /ex2k/
>            ProxyPassReverse /ex2k/
>            ProxyPass /exchweb/
>            ProxyPassReverse /exchweb/ 
> </VirtualHost>
> So, I placed User-Agent config out of the global config and into each
> SSL config. Now, the exchange 2000 proxy (currently non-SSL) is
> correctly handled by IE. Obviously, though, I will be wanting to put
> this proxy behind SSL, which I've already determined will not work
> (using the mod_ssl recommended settings). Has anyone else run into a
> similar situation? Is there a reasonable work-around for this?
> -- 
> ----------------------------------------
> Robin P. Blanchard
> Systems Integration Specialist
> Georgia Center for Continuing Education
> fon: 706.542.2404 <|> fax: 706.542.6546
> ----------------------------------------
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