
I have a couple of questions:

If mod_ssl is included in apache2.x why doesnt it show up in the modulelist
when I use:

%> httpd -l


If it's not "included" when I "default" compile (using the INSTALL-file
instructions), how do I know how to compile in the mod_ssl into the apache
(if this is my first time)?

Where do I find information about these things, I certanly dont install
apache at a regulary basis.. ;-)

I noted a default config file for SSL (I also found an include into the
httpd.config-file) and used the command:

%>httpd -DSSL -k start

.. but it(apache) couldnt find the mod_ssl.. Why? If it's included I
shouldnt bother or?... Something I missed?

All help will be appricated.



ps. Thinking of using Apache 1.3.7 instead due to the extended source of
good documentation...

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
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