Hi all,

SERVER: Apache 1.3.27 + mod_ssl/2.8.12
My problem:
I want to authenticate clients of my domain based on certificates
and obtain my users' usenames. I try using the two methods mentioned
in http://www.modssl.org/docs/2.8/ssl_howto.html#ToC9
but they don't seem to be completely equivalent.
Specifically, when I try without SSLRequire and Load an authentication
module such as mod_auth_ldap or mod_auth_mysql (in order to offer
an alternate authentication schema - Satisfy any), in the browser,
a dialog window appears asking for Username/Password just after the
window for chosing the certificate.

This window (asking for username/password) does not appear
1. when I use SSLRequire directive and load other modules (but REMOTE_USER variable is empty) and
2. when I use AuthUserFile directive and don't load the modules (but I can't offer  alternate authentication)

Apache configuration

#LoadModule ldap_auth_module   libexec/mod_auth_ldap.so

SSLCACertificatePath /etc/apache/conf/ssl.crt
SSLCACertificateFile /etc/apache/conf/ssl.crt/ca-bundle.crt
SSLVerifyClient 0

<Directory "/apache/secure/area">
    AllowOverride None
    Options None
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from localnetwork

    SSLVerifyClient require
    SSLVerifyDepth  2
    SSLOptions      +FakeBasicAuth +StdEnvVars
    #SSLRequire      %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_O}  eq "My Organization" and \
    #                       %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_OU} eq "My Departement"

    AuthName            "Certificate Authentication"
    AuthType             Basic
    AuthUserFile         /path/to/httpd.passwd
    require                 valid-user

    #Satisfy any
    #AuthType Basic
    #AuthName "LDAP Authentication"
    #LDAP_Server MyLdapServer
    #LDAP_Port 389
    #Base_DN "o=MyOrganization,c=GR"
    #UID_Attr uid
    #require valid-user

thanks in advance

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